About the Program
The Thad Cochran Agricultural Leadership Program (TCALP) is the premier educational and personal development opportunity for emerging leaders in the agriculture industry in Mississippi. Through a series of rigorous seminars, class members will develop team building skills including collaboration and conflict management, and they will enhance their communication and professionalism abilities. Participants will gain exposure to successful and innovative businesses to improve economic literacy and community decision-making practices, and they will sharpen their awareness of policy-making and legislative processes through governmental analysis coupled with an investigation of influence. Class members will deepen their understanding of the full realm of agriculture and rural development to support vibrant communities, creating a vision for the future of Mississippi.
TCALP will consist of nine seminars presented over the course of twenty-two months. Each seminar will contain a balance of concentrated, rigorous curriculum, challenging class members to refine and practice their learned leadership skills, and specific, in-depth exposure to agricultural production and agribusiness in Mississippi, the U.S., and around the world. In addition, class members will expand their personal and professional network, interacting with each other over the course of the program, along with the facilitators, guest speakers, policymakers, program alumni, advisory council members, and many more.
Class members will be selected through a competitive application process. Applicants chosen to participate will commit to attending approximately 35 days of intensive education over the course of the 2-year experience. The advisory council and program director will strive to select class members that represent the breadth and diversity of the agricultural industry across the state of Mississippi. Applicants may be farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners or operators, or otherwise associated with the agriculture industry through their primary occupation.
Class Picture

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TCALP * Mississippi State University Extension *
TCALP * Mississippi State University Extension *
is home to the longest man made beach in the world. It is 26 miles long.
Capital: Jackson
Population: 2,938,618
Founded: December 10, 1817 (20th)
State Bird: Mockingbird
State Flower: Magnolia
State Tree: Magnolia
Number of Counties: 82
Largest City: Jackson - 184,256
Nickname: Magnolia State
Number of Farms: 42,000
Average Farm Size: 273 acres
Total Farmland: 11.4 million acres
Broiler meat and soybeans are the Most valuable agricultural products
Cotton in grown in the northern part of the country
Mississippi is ranked 4th in the production of rice
aquaculture is important to the state’s production
Mississippi is named after the mighty Mississippi River
Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, MS
Memorial Day started in Columbia, MS in 1866
The first college for women in the United States was est in 1884: Mississippi University for Women
Stennis Space Center in Hancock County is NASA’s largest rocket engine test facility
Mississippi produces more than 50% fo the farm raised catfish
the first bottling of Coke started in Vicksburg, MS in 1894
Jackson, MS is 1 of the only cities in the World to host the International Ballet Competition
Greenwood, MS is known as the Cotton Capital of the World
Alice from Alice in Wonderland was a real girl from Oxford, MS
the world’s first human lung transplant was performed at Ole Miss.